Starbound Placedungeon Command

This command will place the specified dungeon under your cursor (if no coordinates are specified).

Placedungeon Syntax

The syntax for the placedungeon command is as follows:

/placedungeon [dungeon id] [x,y] [parameters'] Admin Only

This command has the following arguments:

Dungeon IDThe ID of the dungeon you wish to place.
X,YIf not specified, the dungeon will be placed at the current location of your cursor. The X and Y coordinates to place the dungeon at (e.g. 3,9).
Parameters'Optional. A JSON object for dungeon customization, needs to be surrounded in single quotes ('). See examples for help.

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Placedungeon Examples

Find below working examples of the placedungeon command.

/placedungeon glitchcastle

This command would place a friendly castle at the current location of your cursor.

/placedungeon glitchcastle 10,5

This command would place a friendly castle at the coordinates X 10 and Y 5 (in your current world).

/placedungeon evilfortress

This command would place an unfriendly castle at the current location of your cursor.